
apple harvest

AgriTech Action 2020 | Improving alliances between large and small farms

Atlantic Council‘s AgriTech Action 2020 event: Ayadee Foundation founder Peter Johnson will be part of a panel discussion on how technology can more efficiently allow small farms and large farms to work together. We’ll be discussing how best to strike a balance between the cutting edge technology and innovation that large farms drive, while also […]

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Hackathons: A Powerful Methodology to Drive Interdisciplinary Innovation

To continue United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization‘s (FAO) drive for increased innovation and in support of next week’s International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, this month’s InnoVentures Lab will highlight how hackathons can spur innovation, with a focus on the Ayadee Foundation’s recent hackathon in support of reducing food loss and

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Nominations for Food Tech Innovators